Wednesday, February 17, 2010


..its time to make a doctors appointment. I keep getting nauseous when ive got an empty tummy. No, im not just talking about hunger pains. Im talking about full on stomach cramps, so bad that i was doubled over today :(
Its so hard to keep up my weight loss attempts when I am so nauseous I cant even get off the couch. Also, I have to keep eating to avoid that nausea, so for the past few days I have gone over my points. At least I got to the gym today...
15 minutes walking w/ incline
32 minutes on the elliptical
Hopefully i can get back to running soonnn!!
unfortunately, no weights today (was in a time crunch)
After the gym, I went to school and got so sick i had to go home. I missed class which is a big deal because i get 10% off my next test grade :(

On a more positive note, I want to mention a delicious new treat..
Gayles Miracles
MMMM...I can have two of these little truffles for 1pt!
I actually preferred the dark chocolate ones, and im usually a milk kinda girl...

Wishing the weekend would come a bit faster!

P.S. Can anyone tell me what those Green Monster shakes taste like? yummy? veggie-ish???
let me know!