Thursday, February 25, 2010


Ahh today was fabulous. I love a snow day! I was a bit lazy today, I slept in until 12 noon..EEK!

I was procrastinating so bad when it was time to go to the gym. Luckily there was no snow on the streets. I was dressed but stillll sitting at my computer :-\ FINALLY i got my butt of the couch and went. 25 minutes on the elliptical, 30 mins walk/run on the treadmill, 10 minutes strength training.

I didnt work out yesterday or tuesday just because of a lack of time to do so, so it was kind of good to get back there. Tomorrow is weigh in, and i hope my control with food this week paid off. Hoping for a pound tomorrow. It doesnt sound like a lot, but its rough for me to make it to a whole pound. Usually its like .4 or .6, :(
Last weigh in, i JUST lost the 2.4 lbs i gained or the holidays! Thats how long it takes me to lose.

Just had dinner -Roasted Chicken, stuffing(just a bit, but sooo good and worth the points), and greeen beans.

I definitely have not been getting enough fruits and veggies. Its so hard because those foods dont keep me full for very long. So i only get to eat them when i have a lot of points to play around with :( Also trying to up my dairy intake.

Went like 6 pts over yesterday because i was having a serious chocolate craving. I ate a hershey bar. I was trying to only eat half, but ughhh i lose control and had the whole thing. Also i was up very late and was starving so i had a snack. Oh well, trying not to let it stress me out.

Work tonight at 11. Hopefully no school again tomorrow!

TGI.almost.F :)

annddd 1 week 3 days til SPRING BREAK!

AC <3