Thursday, February 18, 2010

Back to the Basics

AHHH crazy week...thank goodness its almost over!
So tomorrow its back to tracking everryyy single bite i take. I need it. Unfortunately, not going to weigh in this week. It was too rough a week, and I cant bear to face the scale..This is bad i know :( However, i know myself, and if I weigh in, it will put me in a bad mood for the entire weekend. So I am not putting myself through that.

I went to the doctor today. She told me to see a specialist, so hopefully next week I can get my tummy troubles under control and start eating/working out properly.

Went to the gym for a kickboxing class. I was SO EXCITED! ...but then i got there and and it was pilates. YUCK. We dont get along. At all...
Apparently I had an old calendar :(

Oh welll...starting over tomorrow, and really excited to crack down a bit.
Ive only got 2.5 weeks til spring break, and 3 months exactly til our cruise! YAY vacation!