Thursday, December 23, 2010

A fresh start!

I weighed-in today, and got the result i expected. I am not letting it bring me down though!

I got all my new materials to start the PointsPlus program, and sooo excited! WOOT. I got my new calculator, and i even used it in the grocery store today. FUN! :) I am really excited that fruit is free. I like bananas before a workout, but they dont really fill me up so I didnt want to use the points. Now I can have a banana before every workout! Hopefully, this will encourage me to eat alot more fruit now.

P.s.- I made my spaghetti squash last night. SO weird. I tried it with sauce and parmesan cheese. I could eat it, but I dont think I would make it again. I had a hard time getting past the texture, which is weird because I love squash. Maybe it was just the concept I didnt like?

Thts all for now! MWAH<3