Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ughhh. I need a breakkk!

I am exhausteddd.

I took two days off from working out because I am so beat! There are not enough hours in the day to get everything I need done. I am looking forward to having off for winter break. It cant come fast enough!

I am definitely concerned about my workouts though. I started Insanity, but i dont follow the plan to a T because its SO HARD! OMG! Over break, I am really going to get my crap together. I am going to eat great, and workout hard.

Monday I am headed down to Georgia! WOOHOOO! Finally a vacation! I am going to enjoy every minuteeee! And Im going to eat SOME OF THOSE. Pralines. MMM. They make me a happppyyy girl. :)

WW weigh in on Saturday. Wish me luckkkk!