Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy August!

Its been awhile since ive updated, because I think it means finally admitting my failures.
I weighed in yesterday at WW, and i was up 1lb. 1lb is not really a big deal for me during the summer because i'm just so busy. Getting out of my routine is such a trigger for overeating for me. Considering last summer I gained 10lbs, I think I can deal with 1. I would like to lose about 6 more lbs, but I can wait until school starts. When school comes around, I am on more of a schedule and its easier for me to lose.
I would like to be at my ultimate goal by next summer, which is about 9lbs away for me. That doesnt seem like a lot, but it takes me foreverrrr to lose a little bit.

I experienced a bit of heartbreak this week, and I scared myself because I found myself obviously trying to shove down my feelings with food. I went out to dinner with a family member, and I ate things I would never eat, in amounts that I would never eat...
It SCARED me.... :( I wish I was one of those people who couldnt eat when they were upset.

I think im going to start weighing in every other week again. I need some sort of weigh-in schedule to keep me on track during the weekends.

Thats all for now.
A.C. <3